Hakka Facebooki beetatestijaks

Hendrik Alla
Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
This photo released by Poolhouse shows their Dogbook Facebook application.  ÒHaving Dogbook on your iPhone allows you to always have your dog with you, connect with other dog owners and gives you constant access to a number of resources like finding a dog park nearest to you,Ó said Alexandre Roche, who created the app with his father Geoffrey. Features of the application include photo uploads, list other Dogbook users who are near you and locates nearby dog parks no matter where you are in the world. Lost a dog? You can use the applicationÕs ÒArf AlertÓ to send a message to all Dogbook users within a 15-kilometre radius with a photo and your contact information. Found a dog? Call the happy owner right from your phone. (AP Photo/Poolhouse)**NO SALES** / SCANPIX Code: 436
This photo released by Poolhouse shows their Dogbook Facebook application. ÒHaving Dogbook on your iPhone allows you to always have your dog with you, connect with other dog owners and gives you constant access to a number of resources like finding a dog park nearest to you,Ó said Alexandre Roche, who created the app with his father Geoffrey. Features of the application include photo uploads, list other Dogbook users who are near you and locates nearby dog parks no matter where you are in the world. Lost a dog? You can use the applicationÕs ÒArf AlertÓ to send a message to all Dogbook users within a 15-kilometre radius with a photo and your contact information. Found a dog? Call the happy owner right from your phone. (AP Photo/Poolhouse)**NO SALES** / SCANPIX Code: 436 Foto: /AP

 Zuckerberg vajab abi! Facebook proovib kõigest väest oma suhtlustarkvara Messenger uut versiooni Androiditelefonidel stabiilsemaks muuta. Selleks otsikatse kartmatuid kasutajaid kogu maailmast.

Katsejänese staatuse saamiseks tee järgmist

  • Liitu siin asjakogase Google’i grupiga
  • Tee Google Play poes linnuke kasti  «become a tester»
  • Laadi rakendus alla
  • Luba automaatsed uuendused

Ongi kõik. Kui nüüd mingi jama juhtub, palub Facebook sul rakendusesiselt sellest teada anda. Muidugi on beetaversioon ebastabiilsem ja võib kokku joosta. Aga selleks sa beetataestija oledki, et teistel pärast kergem elu oleks. Uuetele kelladele ja viledele saab ka varem ligi.



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